When Opportunity Knocks…

Eleven years ago, after a particularly enlightening conversation with a career counselor about the direction I wanted to take after leaving my teaching career of twenty years, I established my professional organizing business, The Organized Way. I worked hard to learn and refine my craft, becoming one of only around 300 CPO’s (Certified Professional Organizer®) in the country. I wasn’t entirely sure of where it would go and what kind of organizing work I liked to do, so at the beginning I did everything! Offices, closets, kitchens, basements, garages, kids’ playrooms (I still have nightmares about Legos…) – I did it all! After a few years, I realized that the work I enjoyed the most, and had a particular affinity for, was organizing home and business offices. Helping people get a handle on their paper piles, digital files, desktops, and email, and working with them on how to better manage their time through working in their calendars and to-do lists was something at which I was particularly good and found rewarding. It led me a number of years ago to create a niche within the organizing and productivity field. For many years, I have been working almost exclusively with small-to-medium business owners, entrepreneurs who need help getting a new business off the ground (like I did with my own,) as well as doing some corporate training and speaking to business, community, and academic institutions about organizing and time management.

I realized last year that it was time to officially acknowledge the direction I had taken my business. As a result, I have re-branded and re-named my consulting business to reflect the work I’ve been doing for almost a decade now. The Organized Way officially became Griffith Productivity Solutions on January 1, 2020. I’d make a reference to the whole 2020 vision thing, but that’s already over-used and a little tired by now…What I’d like to reference is that the initials of my new business name are GPS, and that my goal is to be the expert guidance system for your business!

I love the quote in the picture for this blog, because I choose a word to guide my life and business each year. My word for 2020 is Opportunity. Over the past year, I’ve taken advantage of several opportunities that have come my way. One of them was the opportunity to publish my first book, The Ultimate Productivity Planner. When the publisher contacted me to write the content for a 90-day planner that they wanted to publish, I jumped at the chance to create a tool for folks that would help them on their path to improved productivity. For both my own clients and others, it provides a resource for those who are stuck and need a practical, physical tool to push them and assist them along their path to better manage their time and reach their long-desired goals.

What opportunities might come your way in 2020? My wish for you is that you are given the chance to not only define your goals for the upcoming year, but to realize any long-held dreams and desires for your business and personal life. If I can help provide some expert guidance to help you achieve those goals, please don’t hesitate to contact me at lisa@griffithproductivitysolutions.com, or give me a call at 401-289-0042. Let’s talk. You never know what the beginning of a new chapter in your life will bring!

About Lisa Griffith - Professional business organizer and speaker - Griffith Productivity Solutions

About The Author

Lisa Griffith is a speaker and consultant who provides services, both on-site and virtually, to help busy professionals organize their offices, systems and calendars. In addition to business and home office organizing, productivity and time management coaching, she provides workshops & seminars for business and community groups.