Time Management & Productivity | Griffith Productivity Solutions - Part 7

How to De-Clutter Your Time

I love this quote from Oprah’s organizing “guru”, author Peter Walsh. Working with clients in their business and home offices and helping them with time management issues, we often come across all kinds of clutter – not necessarily paper, office supplies, or other physical stuff. It’s time clutter – all of those extra commitments that


What’s Your Time Worth?

Every single retailer these days, whether they sell coffee, clothing, or office supplies, wants your email address. And they offer “rewards” in return. And what do those “rewards” get you? An occasional discount, maybe one free cup of coffee every ten cups, and lots and lots of emails. Sometimes several a day from each and


Time-Tackling Tools

Often, my clients have tried and abandoned many different calendars, agendas and planners over the years. While there are certainly some systems that are more effective than others, what is most important is that you find what works best with your learning style, and that you stick with it, at least for several months! Tweaking