PLAN to Succeed (because spontaneity is overrated!)

As a productivity coach, when the topic of planning comes up, I often hear “I don’t have time to plan!” My response is always, you don’t have time NOT to plan!  Looking ahead to the day and week ahead and making decisions about what your priorities are, and where you need to expend your time and energy is the key to helping you achieve your goals and maximize your potential.

Why plan? Here are ten ways putting just a little time into planning your days will help increase your productivity, reduce burn-out and stress, and help even out that work/personal life sway we all need to balance on a regular basis:

  1. Clarity of Goals: Planning forces you to define your goals and objectives clearly. It provides a roadmap for where you want to go, helping you stay focused and motivated.
  2. Time Management: Effective planning allows you to allocate your time efficiently. It helps in prioritizing tasks and ensures that the most important ones are given proper attention.
  3. Minimizes Stress: When you have a plan in place, you reduce the chances of unexpected issues and crises. This, in turn, lowers stress levels as you’re better prepared to handle challenges, and makes you feel as if you’re in better control of your day.
  4. Improved Decision-Making: A well-thought-out plan provides a foundation for making informed decisions. It allows you to weigh the pros and cons, reducing impulsive choices.
  5. Adaptability: While planning is essential, it also encourages adaptability. A good plan is not rigid but allows for adjustments when necessary. Without a plan in place, any little thing can throw you off your game. While you may need to adjust your time and energy on the fly as unexpected things come in, having some basic structure to your day allows you to get back on track sooner.
  6. Risk Management: In addition to adaptability, effective planning also involves risk assessment and mitigation. It helps you anticipate potential challenges and develop strategies to overcome them.
  7. Long-Term Vision: Planning extends beyond the short term. It helps you create a vision for the future and develop a strategic approach to reach long-term objectives.
  8. Consistency: It promotes consistency in daily routines and actions, which can lead to the development of positive habits and a more structured life. In particular, for those in fields where creativity is key, eliminating the need for your brain to constantly make minute-by-minute decisions about what comes next frees up space in your head for more creative work.
  9. Enhanced Communication: In a team or collaborative setting, planning improves communication by ensuring that everyone is on the same page regarding goals, timelines, and responsibilities.
  10. Work Life/Personal Life Balance: Planning is not limited to professional goals; it’s equally important for maintaining a healthy balance between work obligations and personal, home, and family obligations. It helps you allocate more time for the things you WANT to do as opposed to just grinding through your day doing the things you HAVE to do!

Have I convinced you yet? For a few weeks, try giving yourself the gift of a short (5 minutes) planning session at the end of each day for the next day, and a longer session (15 minutes) about once a week to look ahead to the coming week. Think about it – in grand total, that’s less than an hour a week. I guarantee you’ll find the time expended is well worth the time you’ll save!

About Lisa Griffith - Professional business organizer and speaker - Griffith Productivity Solutions

About The Author

Lisa Griffith is a speaker and consultant who provides services, both on-site and virtually, to help busy professionals organize their offices, systems and calendars. In addition to business and home office organizing, productivity and time management coaching, she provides workshops & seminars for business and community groups.